Sunday, September 21, 2008

A really, really nice nature walk

This past weekend your scrapblog editor went for a long walk in her favorite place, Frontenac State Park. First she hiked down the big hill. Then she hiked up the big hill. Then, down again. Then, up. Whew! It was very good for the scrapblog editor. Here are some things she saw along the way: An apple tree. A beautiful hillside covered with scarlet sumac, goldenrod, asters, fleabane and other September botanical stars. A cathedral of birch trees. A big old tree that had had the !!@##$%^&*! blasted out of it by lightning. The scrapblog editor has become a big fan of a nature blog kept by some Goodhue and Wabasha county nature types. Have learned a lot there about Frontenac State Park and environs.

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