Friday, March 28, 2008

'08 race heats up; shameless campaigning ensues

As May 31, 2008, the date of the Coveted Burnt Wienie Award Party approaches, cousins and elders are sending your scrapblog editor brilliant observations. Here are a couple of examples: Cousin Leah Sprick Davidson, above right: "Wish I could be at your open house to dramatically read your entry -- as you* should have won the last time when we were at Kirkwoods' -- not fair that the winner had two stories nominated. I won it the year my dad died for letting my fingernail polish leak in my purse and glue all my money together." Senior scrapblog investigative correspondent E.W. Sprick, above left: "For the record, advise the cousins that I was the first triple-crown winner of the Burnt Wienie (not a two-nominations winner) and that I feel guilty having had it for two whole years when there have been so many deserving cousins** who have been screwing up going completely unnoticed. Justice will prevail!" ________________________________________ FOOTNOTES *"You" would be your favorite scrapblog editor. Cousin Leah is so astute, is she not? **Whoever could E.W. mean by this??!!

1 comment:

laurie said...

you will never win this award, pmiller!!