Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Showing up in Lake City, then showing it off

This past weekend, your scrapblog editor once again motored down to lovely Lake City, Minn., to bother her hometown relatives and give a visiting city pal The Tour, as Alverna used to call it. Some snapshots: Cousin Leah, up from Boca Raton, Fla., paying a summer visit to her mother, Aunt Vi, did the scrapblog editor the honor of dropping by, along with Vi, Aunt Mavis, and her two Uncle Joes, pictured above, one from each side of Leah's family. No, Leah does not have pussy willows growing out of her excellent distinctive hairdo; the scrapblog editor just forgot to frame the photo in a civilized manner. Your scribe also was tempted to sneak out to buy a top half as merry and colorful as Elmer's or Leah's, but there was no time between large hors d'oeuvres and diminutive glasses of merlot. (By the way, if you click on this photo to make it larger, you can clearly see the image of Grandma Sprick smiling approvingly over Leah's paisleyed shoulder.) Also, old friend Angelo Gentile, whom the scrapblog editor met at UMD wayyy back in the last millennium, drove down from Minneapolis in his groovy convertible to check out Lake City and Lake Pepin, and pronounced it all impressive.

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