Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A treasure of a photo

We are thrilled to have received this wonderful historical submission, back from the era in which family photos included chickens. Here's Uncle Joe's caption: "This photo was taken about 1939 on the north-facing side of the Spricks' L-shaped farmhouse. The characters are Grandpa Henry Augustine, seated center; from left to right, Uncle Henry and Aunt Emma Augustine, Uncle Henry and Aunt Emma Stegemeyer, Uncle Otto and Aunt Annie Leonhardt, Claus and Maria Sprick, and front left, two curious leghorn chickens. The economy was still bad, but we were starting to recover from the Great Depression, as you will note from the fine wearing apparel." Click on the photo to make it bigger and easier to check out Grandpa Claus' stern expression and Grandma Maria's sensible shoes.

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