Ever dedicated to historical accuracy and truth-telling, we recently dug up the report cards of our venerated Aunt Anna Sprick Smith, one of the smartest people we know, to see how she did back in the one-room schoolhouse. We were shocked, shocked, to discover that her grades weren't stellar -- and frankly, we blame the teachers! Consider the evidence...
Above and below, you see Anna's 1929-1930 fourth-grade report card from Wabasha County schools. Her teacher, Leah Harlan, must have been a battle-ax! Who else would give our Anna a D in History??!! Or a C in Industry? We hope Claus and Maria gave that woman a piece of their mind!
Thankfully, by seventh grade (the two sheets below), Anna had a fairer teacher, Dorothy Fick. Note the far better grades, although we find it hard to believe Anna only got Bs in Cleanliness and Respect For School Property:
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