Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Millers' Memorial Day

The Millers got together to sit around and eat in Robbinsdale on Memorial Day with Pam's friendly neighbors. Cousin Chats weighed in by phone, and there were several toasts (most featuring ice cream) to the memory of Grandpa Bill and Grannie Alverna. Some snapshots follow: When the Robbinsdale ice cream truck drove by, everyone got ice cream. Elizabeth's was the Pink Panther.
All Millers like ice cream. Later on they shared root beer floats and ice cream cones with Pam's neighbors.
Noah, girlfriend Jamie and pal Ryan LaPointe also had ice cream bars from the truck -- Scooby Doo, Batman and Bugs Bunny bars.
Avamarie before her Shrek ice cream bar melted all over her and Moriah.
Sisters Avamarie, Moriah and Hannah.
Chris, Moriah and Hannah sat around, a favorite Miller family activity. Your scrapblog editor is sorry not to have a photo of Zachary, who was very much present and whose status as the first Miller of his generation to graduate from college was much celebrated. (Stout, engineering -- holler if anyone sees any jobs out there. Zack will be terrific at anything he does.)
At the Robbinsdale playground, Chris surveyed Avamarie for signs of the motion sickness that plagues many Millers. None showed up.
Noah's sunglasses were a hit with Avamarie.
Then it was off to the playground to do some gymnastics. Elizabeth worked on the monkey bars under the eagle eye of her big sis, athlete and all-around awesome Moriah.
I stepped in to offer some monkey-bar advice.
Then former cheerleader Mary Miller got into the act. But she was a little out of practice, and had to be rescued by Moriah.

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