Monday, May 9, 2011

Headed for sun country

Congrats to cousin Chats, my sis, the Rev. Dr. Mary Catherine Miller Northrup, esq., and hubby Michael Northrup! Cathy has landed a new pastorship near Scottsdale, Ariz., a place she and Michael have considered a great destination for a long time. Come Aug. 1, Cathy will be senior pastor of Rio Verde Community Church, soon to be renamed Community Church of the Verdes. Chats reports that it's an interdenominational church that serves three over-55 communities, Rio Verde, Tonto Verde and Vista Verde, which include a lot of expat Minnesotans; the building also serves a Roman Catholic congregation. Cathy will remain a Presbyterian minister. Cathy and Michael plan to live in Rio Verde. Cathy wrote this to her congregation at First Presbyterian in Wichita, Kan., which she has served for more than five years: "Know that I will keep First Presbyterian in my prayers, and I will always hold it, and you, in my heart."

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