Saturday, July 21, 2007

Our Manhattan vacation, Day 1: Excitement overload!

Saturday, July 21, 2007: Our first day of vacation in Manhattan has been happy and restful. It began with an early start, thanks to Uncle Chris, who is very opinionated early in the morning, if you ask us, although we still like him, especially when he gives us free rides to the airport. C-Whiz and Noah were sleepy on the bumpy flight, as you can see from the top photo of them bobble-heading as they snoozled. Among our travel adventures were Auntie Pammie losing her boarding pass as the plane was about to leave (they let her on anyway, and she later found it in her PURSE, of course), and enduring the nonstop shrieking of a baby behind us. (We could have been starring in a horror movie called "Baby on a Plane.") We arrived at LaGuardia about 3 p.m., were driven very fast by a brave taxi driver to the Upper West Side, checked into our beloved Milburn Hotel on W. 76th St. (we have two one-bedroom suites), ate large amounts of strange, large, delicious food at Big Nick's, got groceries and walked all over, including to Lincoln Center and Strawberry Fields. We were too sleepy to go to the Empire State Building just yet, so we spent the evening eating Junior's cheesecake and watching many episodes of "Hannah Montana," starring, Auntie Pammie couldn't help but note, the very handsome Billy Ray Cyrus. Auntie Pammie fell asleep on the couch and C-Whiz and Noah took a long nap too. (They were up most of Friday night.) Very relaxing with all those naps! Many adventures, and far fewer naps, coming tomorrow.

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