Friday, July 27, 2007

Our Manhattan vacation, Day 7: Times Square

Friday, July 27, 2007: On this, our last full day in Manhattan, we shopped, which the girls were very, very excited about. The boys, not so much -- they did their thing, including "The Simpsons" movie. Auntie Pam, M. and H. went to stores all over Times Square and on Fifth Avenue and bought a few things from street vendors, too. They visited the Trump Tower, the Rockefeller Center, Abercrombie & Fitch (Auntie Pam's ears are still numb from the backbeat there), Tiffany's, F.A.O Schwarz, the Toys R Us with the Ferris wheel inside and many other Broadway/Times Square/nearby hot spots. Some of the best moments, once again, were on the street -- more wild urban dancers -- and in the subway, where we made friends with a mime all in white and a very good saxophonist who played M.'s theme song, "The Pink Panther."

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