Thursday, June 26, 2008

A precious find in the urban woods

Your scrapblog editor and her botany buddy Heather M. took a walk today in their favorite place, the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden in Minneapolis' Theodore Wirth Park. All the mosquito bites were worth it, because among other lovely flowers they saw many showy pink ladyslippers in the garden's bog area. (Remember how sad Mom/Aunt Alverna was when someone made off with her pink ladyslipper plants?) The cousins are intimately familiar with this-here plant, especially cousin Janie, who won the Coveted Burnt Wienie as a teenager for using some as toilet paper in the woods, and cousin Sandy, who took a nap once in a bed of it whilst wearing shorts. Why, even this week, cousin Davy is scar-legged after bushwhacking in the woods on his new place in Eau Claire, Wis., not realizing they were full of the evil weed.

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