Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barack Sprick Obama takes the helm

Despite his controversial middle name, Barack Sprick Obama was sworn in Tuesday as the 44th president of our beloved nation. We thought you might enjoy these snapshots taken by your scrapblog editor. Oops, slight correction: They came from the New York Times:

When it comes to analysis, however, we don't need the Times. We called our own esteemed Gray Lady, senior scrapblog analyst and historical-tour back-seat commentator Anna Sprick Smith, for her assessment. Anna, who would have liked to have been there with all those smiling people in cool hats, instead watched the festivities from the comfort of her armchair in Red Wing, Minn. She pronounced the day dazzling and was especially pleased to see all those happy faces in the crowd. She was gratified that there were no arrests (no arrests?? not even ELCA conventions can say THAT), that Barack was so gracious to G.W. (despite everything, you know) and that the little girls were so well-behaved (though, say! weren't they missing school?), and wondered if Michelle's feet got sore in those groovy green shoes. She predicted that things will get better now. There you have it -- Anna's analysis!

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