Monday, August 27, 2012

And the 2012 Burnt Wienie champ is ...

... Mavis Sprick, of course! She won for some Dumpster-diving shenanigans behind the Lake City library, during which she rescued discarded books and got shooed away at least once. There were other good nominations: for Joe Kirkwood (live-trapping an angry skunk), Kate Kirkwood (locking out Katie Hagberg), Ben Pepin (leaving the water on and flooding his apartment), Tanya Cook (getting stuck twice in her driveway and losing her keys) and Moriah Miller (bikini top fail!), but in the end, Mavis nabbed the 2012 Coveted Burnt Wienie Award. And rightly so at the Lake City VFW family party held to honor Mavis and her pardner in crime and marriage, Elmer Sprick. Thanks for arranging it, Davy "Lamar" Sprick and Cyndi Sprick O'Donoahoe! And congrats, dear Mavis!

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