Friday, August 10, 2007

"One! Two! Three! Four!": Mrs. Mock dies at 100

Aunt Anna relays the news that the Miller kids' old piano teacher, Vivian Mock, has died at age 100. We're relieved to hear that she survived so many years beyond the Miller kids' nonstellar playing (cousin Chris was gifted, but not in a way Mrs. Mock appreciated). Aunt Alverna used to haul us weekly to Mrs. Mock's home in Red Wing, where two of us read her old Redbook magazines while the other one mangled Scarlatti and John Thompson to the relentless beat of a metronome and Mrs. Mock's clapping. The Miller kids still wake up sweating in the night with memories of the Irl Allison auditions. (You had to be there.) Mrs. Mock's impressive life story can be found here. (Click on Obituaries, Archives, then go to the July obits and scroll down to "Vivian Mock.")

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