Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pam's older friend

The scrapblog editor spent much of Wednesday visiting old friend Laurie Hertzel at her lovely book- and dog-filled home in St. Paul, yakking, hiking, eating and drinking, entertainments Pam and Laurie have been pursuing together for oh, 30 years now. Laurie's endearing combination of high creativity and great common sense only gets richer as she gets older. By the way, it's important to note that Laurie is two weeks older than Pam, and always will be. Forgot the camera, so here's a photo of Laurie from 1992; on the back it says "Me and Mel in Dingle, Ireland." Laurie looks just the same, which is more than we can say for Mel. Her excellent husband, Doug, is better-looking (and better-behaved) than Mel, anyway.

1 comment:

laurie said...

ah, mel....

don't forget to visit my family blog for pictures of Pam and the lovely lunch she brought over.