Sunday, September 16, 2007

Laurie visits Old Frontenac

On this amazing perfect blue-and-green late-summer day, old pals Pam and Laurie Hertzel drove down to Old Frontenac and walked around in the lovely old historic town site and down by Lake Pepin. Laurie wrote a sweet account of it on her delightful literary blog, in which she referenced this interesting historic website about Frontenac. Laurie was impressed with Pam's historic old outhouse and shed, which is full of ancient scythes, rakes and buckets, not to mention mouse nests. She took the photo at right. It was such a perfect day, it had the scrapblog editor humming her current favorite song, "Heavenly Day," which songwriter Patty Griffin wrote for her dog after a particularly idyllic day in the country. (Laurie loves her dogs, so she'll appreciate that.) Here's a Youtube link to her performing it live.

1 comment:

laurie said...

that photo is hilarious! i look like i'm levitating. but i'm just standing on a stump.