Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Good folks I work with

The Star Tribune is a floundering place these days, as are most mainstream newspapers in America, so it helps me to remember sometimes that there are still good things about it, and good people I get to see every day. Here are three, all of whom you cousins may have met at Mom's funeral or on happier occasions. Colleen oversees Page 1A and stays serene and wise no matter what, and has been my friend since the moment I met her in 1989. Holly is a slot editor and makes the paper better every day, and she's a sweet and treasured pal. Duchesne, the laughing fellow at right, is my boss, or at least one of them, and one I trust and respect even if we disagree; he and I worked together for several years on the education desk before I went on to other roles and he became a big cheese.

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