Monday, October 22, 2007

Stump-In Live: Spricks do their thing

The tones have gone sepia, the images are blurry, but the occasion is unmistakable, if only to the cousins, who will recognize these old photos as priceless beyond measure. Yes, cousins, a secret camera caught these immortal scenes during the 1978 Stump-In "Gong Show" at Waldesruh. In the first one, Ed and Alma sang "oldies but goodies," according to the scribble on the back of the photo. In the second, "Frenchie" (Marion) Broberg displayed her new lines of wigs as cousin Chats, Uncle Hart and an unidentified innocent child looked on politely. In the third, a buxom "Polly Darton" sang. (Is that ... Anna???!!!) In the fourth, Jimmy Carter himself made an appearance. And in the last one, the Unknown Comic and his Attractive Assistant performed. It is not recorded who won this cut-throat competition. What can we say, cousins? It's your heritage. We're just the messenger.

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