Saturday, January 5, 2008

Scrapblog editor confesses all

The scrapblog editor, although perfect in most ways, except for her tendency to talk too much and forget things, and a few other inadequacies, well, more than a few, has a particularly glaring vulnerability: her struggle with weight. Unlike some drug abuse and fetishes, the weight struggle cannot be kept secret. Every extra Nut Goodie, margarita, spaghetti dinner, magic cookie bar and God knows what else the scrapblog editor has consumed is visible on her portly person. Recently, the scrapblog editor's doctor suggested that this could be a problem beyond looks. So the scrapblog editor (who got a haircut today, as the photo above shows, in an attempt to shed .001 pound; by the way, note exotropia of right eye) is doing what she hasn't done in some time: trying very seriously to address the problem. She rejoined Weight Watchers, sneaking into a meeting and trying to hide in the back row, which was hard to do, since she was the largest person there. She decided to share her dilemma and doubts with the cousins, in hopes they will send bon-bons -- WAIT! she means motivational sayings -- and encouragement to her here or privately. No, no, the scrapblog editor will NEVER look like she did in 1985 (at right, serenading a big bottle of wine and a lovely cake -- WAIT! we mean cousin Chats), when she was only 30, walking 5 miles a day and in love, which causes one to eat less. At this venerable age, 51, frankly, she would settle for weighing less than, say, a Vikings linebacker. At a certain point in one's life, perhaps at age 51, one either decides to give up on such problems or face them yet again. And so, cousins, send a good word or thought to the scrapblog editor as she wrestles with that modern American problem, obesity. Every month she'll weigh in, so to speak, with her progress or lack thereof (not numbers -- too embarrassing -- just general progress). At the very least, it will keep the scrapblog editor humble.


Anonymous said...

As a most fortunate friend of Mademoiselle Scrapblog Editor, I hereby vow to assist in your efforts with weight, in whatever way is practical for me to assist.

I will also avoid telling you that you're already the perfect weight, etc. etc. Close friends love each other so unconditionally that we do not even SEE the obesity or whatever other issue our friend is tackling. So although I am blind, I will assist you in your struggle. And I will also promise to remove my book boxes from your house! (a New Year's promise) How about this week?

So for today, Congratulations for tackling this issue, and I'm on your side all the way, dear one!

Much love,

Sam & Bridget said...

Pam~ You have our support, and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers through your health journey.