Thursday, January 24, 2008

Spring will come again, someday

It's been extremely cold lately in Minnesota, but there are signs winter is winding down. Each day the light grows stronger and longer. Any season is lovely in our favorite place, the Hiawatha Valley. Here's some real pretty late-winter photos of Lake Pepin that the scrapblog's senior photographer, researcher, investigative correspondent, naturalist and science editor, E.W. Sprick, took in 2000: Fishhouses off Methodist Campus point in Old Frontenac, Minn. That's Maiden Rock, Wis., across the river. Since 1983, when the NSP plant in Red Wing, Minn., began discharging warm water into the Mississippi, there has been open water in various spots along Lake Pepin. The discharge raises the lake's temperature about 2 degrees, which may not seem like much, but profoundly affects an ecosystem, says E.W. One positive outcome is that bald eagles flock to the open areas to fish. The first barge of the season plied open water after breaking up the ice on lower Lake Pepin. This photo was taken from the ice off Old Frontenac. We hope E.W. didn't fall in to get this photo.

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