Sunday, January 27, 2008

A typical Miller family gathering

The Millers marked cousin Chris' 50th birthday with delicious cake and dangerous flames Saturday night. Things got so lively that occasionally a fuse would blow and Pam had to go down in the basement with a flashlight to restore power. Here are a couple of videos to make faraway cousins Chats, Zack and Noah nostalgic (or not) for the merry mayhem. (To view them, click on the arrow twice. Be sure to turn on your computer's audio to experience them fully.) We sang "Happy Birthday" to the 50-year-old. Note the trademark musical quality. E. and Pam had colds and provided percussive coughs and honks. Thankfully, no one's hair caught fire and no priceless blue plates were broken. As we do at every gathering involving Millers, we played a cutthroat game of Memory with Alverna and Bill's old German cards. Every time someone got a pair, Chris opened up his musical birthday card from Pam and everyone rocked 'n' rolled. Little 'Bee led the revelry. All in all, a good time was had by all.

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