Monday, February 5, 2007

A recipe from heaven

We haven't had a rosette since 2002, and may never again. That's because Annette Sprick Kulseth, the best rosette-maker on Earth, died that year. But wait! There's a box of Annette's recipes in the basement trunk! Here's one, specially phoned in from heaven by Annette, for "Home-Made Kahlua." Note the line on the bottom of the recipe: "Bottle in brown bottles if you have some. Ask me!" Say, didn't we recycle all those brown bottles in her basement? What were we thinking? In case you can't read Annette's writing (any true Sprick can): HOME-MADE KAHLUA ("Liqueur de Cafe") Excellent. 3 1/2 cups sugar 2 1/2 cups water 1 cup instant powdered coffee Boil to-gether. Let it cool. Add 2 cups 100 proof vodka and 1 vanilla bean cut in fourths. Store in bottles and let it stand for 30 days. Take out vanilla beans after 30 days. Delicious over ice cream or baked custard or whatever. Enjoy! Bottle in brown bottles if you have some. Ask me!

1 comment:

Bri said...

Oh, now this is the Kahlua recipe you promised...thank you, Pamelamama, world traveler!

Your blog is too wonderful.

Hugs, Brina