Monday, February 24, 2014

A few of Chateau Frontenac's visitors

So many people have visited Chateau Frontenac since it became usable last fall! Here are just a few:

Paul and Kelly Turner, from Texas!
Elizabeth Miller and Ariana Turner.
My old pal Laurie Hertzel, who drove down with Kristi Fuller.
My old pal Michiela Thuman, who brought Ned Barnett.
Susan Hammel and cousin Dan Broberg, who has a cabin just up the hill.
Jim Foti, who played his fiddle for me! He visited with his partner, Ralph Wyman.
Holly, Andy and little Delia Braford. They have since moved to Manhattan. Miss them!

And of course, Uncle Elmer (Joe) Sprick, who drops by often with Aunt Mavis, and son Noah!
Uncle Joe brought his own freeze-dried C rations once. Note to self: Serve better meals so he doesn't have to bring his own!

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