Monday, February 24, 2014

Nov. 17, 2013: Kemberlie Miller, just turned 5, arrives from Haiti

Shy and sweet, beautiful and exhausted, and probably pretty bewildered, Kemberlie Miller arrived in the land of ice and snow from steamy Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Nov. 17, 2013. Her new mom, Mary Miller, and one of her new sisters, Hannah Miller, had gone there to fetch her from a Roman Catholic orphanage. Kemberlie got a warm and happy welcome at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. She's the sixth child (the third who's adopted) of Chris and Mary Miller. A few snapshots from her long journey to the Miller family:

At the orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Kemberlie met Hannah, 20, and rocked her new University of Minnesota shirt. Hannah's a student there, of course.
Kemberlie with her new mom, Mary Miller, whom she had met once before when Mary and Chris made a trip to Haiti. She hadn't forgotten her!
While in Haiti, Mary rolled up her sleeves and did some volunteer medical work.
The moment Kemberlie arrived at the Minneapolis airport. She was greeted by her new family and a host of church friends, including some she recognized from Haiti.
Kemberlie met her new dad, Chris Miller.
I got to hold her, too. Aw, what a sweet, sleepy child.
At the airport, Kemberlie felt a little more confident when held by Hannah, whom she'd already bonded with some in Haiti.
The whole fam! Chris, Mary, Zachary, Hannah, Moriah, Elizabeth, Avamarie and Kemberlie.
Hannah introduced Kemberlie to her awesome new big brother, Zachary, 25.
Kemberlie watched politely as her new dad, Chris, tried to charm her with his disappearing-thumb trick.
Kembelie met another big sis, Moriah, 22.
Aw. Kemberlie with her wonderful new dad, Chris Miller.
A Miller sister pileup! Avamarie, Elizabeth, Hannah and Moriah. Only a matter of time before Kemberlie is on the heap!
So this is what grownups look like through a kid's eye! Kemberlie took this photo as I showed her how to work my camera. Welcome to the land of electronic gadgets, kid!
Zachary and the lovely Andrea Weikert were among those greeting little K.
Kemberlie with some of the kids from her orphanage previously adopted by folks from the Millers' church.
With Elizabeth's help, shy, sleepy Kemberlie bade farewell, for now, to her friends.
Kemberlie hugged a sweet little Haitian-born friend. They'll see each other frequently in Minnesota.

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