Monday, April 23, 2007

Remembering Uncle Wally

April 13 tends to be a pleasant day for the Miller kids, who think of it as their dad's birthday. It's not so happy for the Broberg kids, whose dad, Wally, died on that day in 1989. It's certainly a reminder that the cycle of birth and life and death carry on, like a great wheel. Here are some photos of Wally, as well as the obit the Minneapolis Star Tribune ran him, highlighting his gifts as an architect. In the photos, he pilots a paddleboat during a Brainerd lakes vacation, hangs out with Ed and Bill, and accepts the Burnt Wienie Award from Aunt Mavis. He won the prize for carefully instructing someone to park behind him, then backing up right into their car. Very unWallylike, but primo Burnt Wienie material.

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