Friday, November 2, 2007

ChrisMiller!ChrisMiller! does double duty

Cousins and elders who are among the eight or nine print newspaper readers left on the planet may have noticed Chris Miller's byline on a story on the front of the Star Tribune sports section Thursday. ChrisMiller!ChrisMiller!, as cousin Sarah calls him, is usually an important supervisory sports editor, directing some of the most iron-willed sports reporters in the state. Meanwhile, the scrapblog editor sits nearby in newsside, trying to wedge late-breaking murders into the increasingly smaller, maniacally zoned newspaper and to keep certain coworkers from killing each other so she doesn't have to write that up, too. Tonight she overheard this conversation between her boss in news and a key sports editor: News boss: I see you got Chris Miller writing now, eh? Key sports editor: Yeah, he said he could call all the sources and write the damn story in the time it would take to talk a reporter into doing it. News boss: Yeah, we got a Miller over here that does that too. Key sports editor: Valuable, those Millers. Are there any more of them? We won't tell them about you other fast-paced Millers, lest you too end up in the Strib newsroom funhouse.

1 comment:

laurie said...

you guys are too efficient for your own good.

hey, where'd your birthday posting go??