Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nice spread!

In this excellent undated photo of a table set with a fabulous feast, candles, red wine, coffee and a large cake, you may also notice some Spricks. Aunt Marion is offering Aunt Adelaide more heaps of delicious food, because apparently her already stacked plate is not full enough by Sprick standards. Looking on are Vi, Hal and Anna (we think this was Anna's wedding feast). We can't figure out how the aunties stayed so slim when they ate like this. To make the food larger and easier to digest, oops, we mean view, simply click on the photo. And here is where all that food came from! In the kitchen, Annette and Marion churned it out. We can't figure out why there wasn't food spilled all over their immaculate outfits. Wish we'd inherited the aunts' aplomb and grace in making large, complicated dinners for lots of people. They were great at it, eh?

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