Friday, November 30, 2007

Scrapblog Basics 101

Every once in a while, we'll stop and offer tidbits on how to use the scrapblog. Let's say you're tired of most of the stuff on the blog and only want to look at specific photos without going through 700 photos of cousin Chris as a bullet-headed tot or of the scrapblog editor's spoiled cats. All you have to do is type whatever you want to see into the SEARCH BLOG box at the top of the page, and voila, those scrapblog entries will come up. (Though you may have to vary the search words a little bit to account for the scrapblog editor's erratic spellings and commentary.) For instance, you could type in: SEARCH BLOG: Aunt Katie SEARCH BLOG: cousin Tuk SEARCH BLOG: knuckleheads SEARCH BLOG: fishing SEARCH BLOG: ChrisMiller! ChrisMiller! SEARCH BLOG: rosettes SEARCH BLOG: Stump-in SEARCH BLOG: delicious food SEARCH BLOG: L-shaped farmhouse SEARCH BLOG: strange rituals SEARCH BLOG: funny outfits SEARCH BLOG: Alle Augen SEARCH BLOG: priceless blue plates ... and so forth. Also, if you want to save a scrapblog photo in your own computer or e-mail it to someone, all you have to do it right-click on it, and it's yours, baby.

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