Friday, November 30, 2007

We brake for good literature

The scrapblog's senior research associate and principal literary essayist, E.W. Sprick, recently submitted a wonderful piece that you can now find in the scrapblog reading room. Said E.W., who is 80 years young, of his writing plans: When I took early retirement, I had lots of hobbies, did things with my grandchildren and provided some elder care. I wrote some stories along the way, some good and some not so good. They are all in some form of booklet or newspaper column. Now that I am getting less mobile, I have had to give up some of my more strenuous activities and can foresee the day when I still may fish a little but will spend more time indoors, especially in winter. My current thinking is to take all of my stories, rewrite them and put them in chronological order for one booklet. The stories might have to be massaged a bit to make them more interesting. We have a new computer, and it may be a long winter. I want to include more about Mavis if she will let me. The scrapblog editor, and indeed all the cousins, are thrilled to hear this. We want more E.W. essays! (You can read several good ones at the aforementioned archives site.) By the way, we've run out of old family photos again, at least until we stumble over the next treasure trove of them. So modern photos and essays of all kinds are WANTED for the scrapblog!

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