Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Sparky and Noah

Cousins Zachary and Noah were scamps then, and they remain scamps. (You know what I'm talkin' about, Noah and Sparky, yes you do.) In these photos, taken in 1989, Zachary swiped Noah's teether and Noah chawed on Zachary's toys. (Incidentally, walkers like the one Noah is in in these photos are illegal now, as well they should be; this one was tossed into the trash heap a few months later, after Noah fell down the basement stairs in it, one of the scariest moments of his mom's life.)


laurie said...

here is yet another piece of evidence that noah and i are related. not only do we share curly hair, but i once went down the basement steps in my stroller, too!

pam, you can just send the bill for his college education straight to me. you've done a great job of rearing him but clearly he is really my responsibility.

laurie said...

yet another way that noah and i are just alike--in addition to our curly hair. i once went down the basement steps in one of those stroller things, too! i believe i knocked out my front teeth, which is why i had an extremely-gap toothed smile until i was about 8 years old.